I like my jammers and I love my running kicks, but my bicycle is my lover.

Yeah, it was just like that.

Posted: February 26th, 2010 | Author: Terrence | Filed under: Life, Run | 1 Comment »

I did get called f@*ing crazy though by a fellow borough neighbor, shoveling out his car from a two foot drift. But it was a triumphant expletive, followed by very Brooklyn, Keep it going!

One hour kicking it over in the heavy snow, wind, and the completely empty streets of pre-dawn South Park Slope. Doesn’t get much better than that.

Posted: February 26th, 2010 | Author: Terrence | Filed under: Life, Run | 1 Comment »

Death March Nostalgia

Posted: February 24th, 2010 | Author: Terrence | Filed under: Life, Run | 1 Comment »

By no means was this morning a Death March, not by my definition, experience, or current standards. I can even say with complete confidence that my personal definition of such will continually redefine itself in the coming months. However, it’s been the frustratingly difficult winter weather we’ve been dealing with this winter in NYC, and the culmination of the hours and triple digit miles logged by foot, and a few more by wheel to date, spent in frigid temps, rain, snow, and ice in the wee hours of the morning…

Even still, it’s rad! Really. And trust me when I say there isn’t much in this life that makes me happier, more in tune with the core of my very being, and completely at peace than times like these. Sure, sometimes it’s hard to put one foot in front of the other, saddle up, or kick some water, but once it happens, there has never been a time I regretted the decision.

Ross, the Nostalgia part, that’s all you man. Damn, those were some rides; sun poison, near hypothermia (shut up, I couldn’t stop shivering!), and more rain and snow than NY could throw at me in ten winters. As I trucked it over the Manhattan Bridge shortly after 6AM this morning at 38F in a steady rain shower, completely solo in a city of 8 million, eyes over the East River and feet kicking over towards a waking Manhattan still shrouded in darkness, nothing but a big smile was smeared across my face.

And sure, 15 miles in a balmy 38F, with some ’sprinkles’ is hardly a Death March, but this morning as my mind wandered, it pulled back some great memories of the real ones, and the stiff competition it’s going to take to knock them from their reigning status in my books.

Something tells me though, I think I’ll manage this time.

Posted: February 24th, 2010 | Author: Terrence | Filed under: Life, Run | 1 Comment »

Catching up…

Posted: February 21st, 2010 | Author: Terrence | Filed under: Bike, Life, Run, Swim | 2 Comments »

Well, depending on who reads this, this entry’s title could take on a number of meanings. In fact, it indeed has a number of meanings, so let’s see if we can catch them all… Today, by my calendar reads February 21, 2010. That means six short months to go to the big day in Kentucky, which precedes the biggest and best day (insert many other equally rad adjectives here) by just three weeks! (There is another blog for that coming soon.) What a year this is shaping up to be.

Kentucky is the ultimate goal, but of course to keep things interesting there are a few little fun small bumps along the way so far here, here, and here, and maybe even here again for a fun run. And few others that may pop-up. Needless to say I’m very excited about the racing season and the challenges that lie ahead. To catch everyone up, I’ll take a small jump back to the end of November, last year. Well even further perhaps, to October where a friend of mine, in an innocent AIM chat gave me just enough motivation to register for Ironman Louisville. Why not? I was in the middle of marathon training realizing that really anyone can do these things if you just focus, center, and apply yourself. I tend to have a very focused personality, and once I set my mind on something, it’ll be hell or high water before I get steered off course. Of course it helps if you love it too. Always a positive.

So jumping back ahead to November, I ran the Philly marathon, hired a coach (thanks John) via that same friend that got me into this, took three weeks break, and jumped back in with the training December 12, 2009. Maybe at some point I’ll get a snapshot of the schedule, but taking a quick look the last couple months consisted of recovery/adaptation for the first 7 weeks (2 swims/3 runs/1 ride/1 rest), to the present base training at heavier volumes of 2 swims @ 3,500-4,000, 2 runs now @ 2 hours/60 minutes, 2 rides at 4-5 hours each, and lifting a 2 days a week. One of my swim days also includes a ride in the evening now for an hour. While the swim distances are remaining steady, my Tuesday long runs increase by 15 minutes a week, and rides increase every 2 weeks by an hour approximately. Basically just a lot of volume conditioning, increasing as the season progresses. That and a lot of early mornings.

All my training has been done outside throughout the winter, as I’m no fan of the gym. With the exception of the pool and lifting of course, which I combine days so to limit my time there. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have to catch the subway over there at 5:20AM, in the cold. Least the trains run consistent that time in the morning. Outside of that, for all of us, we all know how damn cold it’s been this winter, so most of my runs have either been in or in the residual affects of this:

Snowy morning in Prospect Park

There is something really nice about it however, despite the few treacherous days where I probably should have headed to the gym. Definitely quiets things down out there, not to mention being incredibly peaceful. I finally got some quasi trail shoes to handle the winter, and it’s been an incredible help. The newest additions to the family are some Brooks ASR 6’s. Maybe I’ll post-up a review of those after a few more runs. Today that definitely wasn’t the case, as the mountains of snow are finally starting to melt. It’s funny how running has moved to the forefront as one of my most enjoyable sports. I know cycling got me into this all, and in fact…well I’ll save that post for another day. Anyway, today was a balmy 36 degrees. Wow, that felt nice.

Swimming was a little bit of a worry at the start, as I literally hadn’t done any real lap swimming since I was a kid. Wow, besides conditioning, it really just came back to me immediately. I mean I am no expert of course, but the mechanics were definitely still in there. Even in a short couple weeks the kick-flip confidence came back. I guess I have my folks to thank for putting me on, and enforcing those few years on the Yorklyn swim team back in good ol’ DE.

And lastly those rides…

Let’s just say 3-4 hours on the trainer is painfully, tortuously boring. Yesterday after approximately 10 weeks, I was finally able to get out there as it was not snowing nor was it 20 degrees with a wind-chill in the teens. Again a balmy mid to high 30’s, made for an awesome ride. Couple of us headed out, and even though it was a down week for me with a easy 1-2 hours scheduled, I agreed to an easy spin up to Peirmont. Well, let’s just say I had no idea how easy it would be. I don’t think 65 miles has ever taken me in my life as long as that took. That’s good though I suppose, as those two 20 minute waiting breaks for someone to catch-up really assured an easy day! Zing!!

If you’re a cyclist, I think you’d appreciate those. Thanks for the tip Joe, and you know I’m going to enjoy busting your chops all the way up to game-time. However, with you, I know the feeling is mutual.

I think that about brings us up to the present. But I can’t sign-off without thanking enough, nor can I believe how blessed I am to have the most wonderful, supporting, loving partner that is with me every step of the way. I really not in a million years could do this without her. My day-to-day coach and nutrionist in training and life! You rock lom-face.

Stay tuned.

Posted: February 21st, 2010 | Author: Terrence | Filed under: Bike, Life, Run, Swim | 2 Comments »

Better Late Than Never?

Posted: February 18th, 2010 | Author: Terrence | Filed under: Bike | 1 Comment »

So here it is: the first post, my first foray into the world of blogging.

The idea of sharing the day-to-day humdrum of one’s life always seemed a little odd to me, even somewhat conceited with a blog such as this aspires to be. Why would anyone care? But the hypocrite I am, I found myself reading about others daily; those I share a common interest with, philosophy, etc. Of course, you say. Well that’s just it.

The web has become a living breathing social anomaly, rhizomatic even, with each new piece of information spawning n number of new connections. What am I getting at? Well, in a nutshell, here’s my attempt at creating, even breathing, some further life into what has become such a large part of all of our lives.

Sure, this may be the ultimate Reason, but I hope to share a million more along the way about what makes a self-proclaimed athlete tick. Yep, this is another one of those training blogs, about some guy, nuts about some crazy endurance sports, and all that goes with along with it.

And it’s just that simple!

Posted: February 18th, 2010 | Author: Terrence | Filed under: Bike | 1 Comment »